Once you see the black dotted bordered rectangle, you can release the mouse which will then associate the RequestData element to the input connection. 一旦见到黑色虚线框的出现,就可以释放鼠标,然后将RequestData部件关联到输入连接上。
Each time an application attempts to access a back-end store ( such as a database), it requires resources to create, maintain, and release a connection to that data store. 每次当应用程序尝试访问后端库时(比如数据库),它都需要资源来创建、维持和释放到该数据库的连接。
Today, before the release of SQL Azure Federations, Azure developers and architects must overcome two main issues when dealing with federated data: Connection Pool Management and Cache Coherency. 在SQLAzureFederations发布前,Azure开发者与架构师在处理federateddata时必须得克服两个主要的问题:连接池管理与缓存一致性。
Pipeline design pressure, release valve working pressure and connection dimensions; 管道设计压力、放气阀工作压力、连接尺寸;
The cerebrum whole this energy system release energy is completely the non-materiality soul and between the materiality cerebral cortex and the neuron bridge and the connection. 大脑整体这个能量系统释放能量就是完全非物质性的灵魂和物质性的大脑皮层和神经元之间的桥梁和连接。
HSBC has issued a press release today to clarify that HSBC has not sent these e-mails to its customers and has no connection with the fraudulent website. 丰银行今日已发放新闻稿,澄清并无向客户发出该等电子邮件,亦与该欺诈网站没有关系。
Release steering column, disconnect steering column plug connection and let it hang down. 松开转向柱,断开转向柱插头,并将它挂起。
Use the loosening tool to release the connection. 请使用松开工具来松开接头。
Release plug connection on motor for convertible-top compartment lid driveand disconnect. 松开活顶收藏箱盖驱动电机的插头连接并断开。
The release phenomenon caused by the threading connection is avoided. 解决了因螺纹连接造成的脱扣现象产生。
Before transferring information, client must create connection to remote computer, and release the connection after ending transfer. 在传送数据之前必须先建立连接,数据传送结束后要释放连接。
Release the connection to the radiator module. 松开散热器组件的连接。
Release plug connection and remove it to the front. 松开插头将其移到前方。
Based on the network to publish gym information, it could perform gym affairs management, release information, member management, information notification, field booking in advanced functions, and reinforce connection with customers. 通过网络发布体育场馆信息,进行场馆的业务管理,实现网上信息发布、会员管理、消息通知、场地预约等功能,加强与用户的联系。
This paper deals with the establishment of signal connection, data transmission, and the process of signal release in the SCCP interface services implemented by the signal connection register. 本文主要介绍的是如何通过对信令接续记录表的操作完成SCCP面向连接服务中信令接续建立、数据传递及信令接续释放的过程。
According to the characteristics of the copper-aluminum column-wing-type radiators used popularly in China today, studies the variety of heat release in different connection modes, and discusses the method for calculating collocation quantities of radiators in project design. 根据我国目前广泛使用的铜铝复合柱翼型散热器的特点,研究了不同连接方式对其散热量的影响。讨论了工程设计中散热器配置数量的计算方法。
The questions about how to understand the energy release processes and the heating mechanism are discussed in the view of solar-stellar connection. 本文亦从类太阳活动的观点,讨论了有关耀发能量释放的过程和加热机制的问题。
With a viewpoint of site investigation, this paper states the phenomena of energy release in rock masses and sets forth their explanation in mathematics and physical mechanism and discusses their significance in connection with geotechnical engineering. 本文从勘察角度上阐述了岩体能量释放的若干现象,给予数学上和物理机制上的解释,并结合岩土工程讨论这些现象的工程意义。
During the application of the engineering, the author got some innovations and settled the problems of multi-user identification and the timely release of the otiose connection segment. 并在工程应用中进行了几点创新,解决了多用户身份识别和闲置连接段及时释放问题。
Because this protocol is connection-oriented, the data transfer has three phases: create connection, transfer data, release connection. 同时该协议是一个面向连接的协议,数据传输分为连接建立,数据传送,连接释放三个阶段,具有重发机制,保证了数据的完整性。
Detailed narrative of the database connection pool creation, management and release the database connection pool through the use of effective systems to support improved access concurrency. 详细叙说了数据库连接池的创建、管理与释放,通过数据库连接池的使用,实验测试表明能有效的提高系统可支持的访问并发量。
A release, being the core functional unit of detection and control in breakers, detects electrical parameter of the circuits being protected and breaks the connection when certain conditions are met. 而脱扣器是断路器的核心检测和控制单元,用于对被保护线路的电参数进行检测,在符合条件时进行及时的分断。
On another hand, some access users could be degraded to release resources for the new connection request. 通常情况下,为了接入新用户,可以对一些已连接的用户进行业务降级。